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-* Angeline & Wesley *-
31.12.07- The day our Love story has Just begun
Welcome to My Blog
This is where u see the Real AnGeLiNe
My Hidden world of Secrets & Pain.
A world u'll never understand.
A world where there's so much Beauty in Pain.<3


<3 Angeline*--FallenAngeL--Wes <3
-Look for the girl with the Broken smile`
Goodbyes will always Hurt,
My Memories will always bring Tears.
There's a world inside of me,
That you can never see.<3
Somewhere in this Darkness,
There's a Light I can't find.
Some days in My Life,
Im still struggling to Fight on.
I Long for that Special one,
To Kiss Me in the Pouring rain.`<3
I Long for that day,
When I can finally see the Light...
Take My hand, Hold me when Im scared,
Love me when Im gone...<3
All The Sufferings that we've gone through and am going Through, Love will keep us strong.



Amorous Nocturnal Goddess Exchanging Loving and Intense, Naughty Embraces




August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009


**My FriendsTer**<3<3
*CindY KoH* <3
*Cindy Png* <3
*BeeLenG* <3
*N402!!* Blog <3<3
Angela <3
Alfred <3
Cloudie <3
Debbie <3
DeNise <3
EliZ <3
Kenny =)
SaraH <3
Robin Hood =]
Jamie <3
Joel =)
XiaoHui <3
YiZheN <3
ZoE <33
*FeLicia Chin*<3<3
*Joanne Peh*<3 Loves!~<3
*Kelly Poon* My SuperStarz!!<3<3
*SupersTar DareN*<3
*SuPersTar Carrie*<3<3
*SuPersTar DiYa*<3<3
*CuTe ShawN*<3 =)
*BrYan WonG*<3
*DasmonD KoH*<3<3
*CamPus SuPersTaR 2007* LoVes~~
*STaR SearcH 2007*<3<3<3
*My DreaMs`My InsPiraTioN*<3<3<3
**CiTY HarveST ChuRcH**+ + *LoVes*~

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Emo Princess

Monday, April 21, 2008

Every single day is a constant struggle for me. I'm literally fighting a battle in my mind, my body.

When will all my sufferings end?

No one will know what I am talking about. Only Myself and God knows....

I just feel so Tired of everything. My Pain is Just too real....

Sometimes I feel so fearful of life, of myself, of each single day.

Truly you can't always see the Pain someone is going through. Half of my life, I've battled and struggled my way through.

I feel so alone in the midst of everything. All the Pain Im going through, I don't know when it will ever end....

I just hope God will Heal me. All these years without Him, I wouldn't even have survived till today...

Pastor said before that we are the most vulnerable to the devil when we are ALONE.

And This is very very True.......

I must admit Im a very independant and strong girl. Tho Im living with my family now, its no difference to living alone.

Its like Im staying alone now, all alone in my own world.

But why does it have to be me? Why do I have to go through all these Pain by myself.....

I can't tell anyone or talk to anyone about it. Its just too shameful... No one will ever understand my Pain.

I don't know why must my life be so painful. Why must I be so different from others? How I wish I can just be normal and happy again...

The past 8 years of sufferings are really enough. I can't take it any longer. Emotionally, mentally, physically, the Pain is really killing me...

Its a miracle Im still surviving today. Truly what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger.

But Im afraid I won't be able to last that long. Because I'm slowly losing the hope, and the strength to fight on.

Sometimes I just wonder... God, where are You in my times of Tribulations? Why must I be the one who have to go through all these......

I just hope, and pray that God will hear my silent cries. Because I really need Him to bring Healing and do a miracle in my life.

Emo Princess

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Today service was very very good.... but Wes left halfway! Wasted... he never listen to sermon.... it was very good!

The sermon was about having a strong Prayer life...and having spiritual Hunger and Thirst... Truly, the secret to Power is Prayer!! + + +

I felt that the presence of God was very very strong... God's presence Touched me to Tears, and I felt lifted of all my burdens... =)

Pst kong demonstrated to us how he does his quiet time.... he began to play the guitar and sang a worship song... and my idol Annabelle Soh also sang along with him....So Touching.... + + +

Pst kong is really so spiritual and loves God alot. He has been on so many mission trips in the past 2 weeks, preached 28 times in 10 days, but yet still does his best to preach the word....

Wow... he is a Truly amazing anointed Man of God!! I look up to him alot! =)

My Desire is really to seek the face of God more, have a strong Prayer life, and be a strong PRAYER WARRIOR!! + + +

After svc, went for bible study.. Then went to Bugis to meet Wes... Everything is ok le... I may feel sad sometimes, but ultimately I believe things are gonna be ok... because I have Faith in God!! =)

After that, we went home... Sigh next Mon and Thur I have exams!! Sigh God bless me... + + +

Dear I love you... Take good care... <3

Emo Princess

What u promised me at the start... its all so different now.

Must Love be such a Painful thing?

I don't want to come to a conclusion that all guys are the same.

Will history ever repeat?

I dunno. And Im scared.

If it does, this Time my world will totally Fall apart.

Because I really Love you.

Yes, when ur frens need you, u'll always be there.

But where were you when I needed you?

I always knew, Love is Never a Fairytale.

*** At the beginning, You said u'll never hurt me. You promised me u'll never leave me.

And I hope what you said is True. And I hope you'll keep to your Promise.

Emo Princess

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Today is sunday... Im all alone at home... chiong-ing projects and assignments... sigh... Today is Pst Zhuang's birthday too! My Pastor whom I respect alot alot... Happy birthday Pst Zhuang! =)

I still feel very sad.... dunno why... Probably is cuz of what happened yesterday...

It was the first time I lost my temper at Wes and shouted at him on the phone.. and he shouted back at me EVEN louder. lols.

Its a long story actually.... don wanna elaborate much... but just that Wes was not happy that I talked to Tomi... and nicole say I got 'distracted' by him during cg... which I didn't AT ALL....

So it was a misunderstanding.... and we didn't really talk to each other after Nicole talked to us on the train.

Then during service, Wes smsed me... say he won't care about me anymore. Everytime also never listen to him, he can't be bothered anymore, etc etc.

So I replied back that I didn't do anything wrong and I dunno why he's angry... my conscience is clear etc etc.

Can you imagine? We were sitting next to each other and were smsing each other. lols.

After Wes sms me, I completely no mood already. I was very sad... the way he sms me is like he wanted to break up...

Straight after service, he walked away angrily. Then I went to clarify with Nicole that I did not get distracted by Tomi during cg at all. Then she ask me to explain to Wes.... I didn't go for bible study... cuz I really no mood le.

So I called him... but he hung up on me twice. On the 3rd call, I was very angry and I shouted at him... then he shout back EVEN louder... ask me where I am he's coming to find me...

I really thought he's going to hit me or something when I went to find him... lols... but never.... then he wanted to go find Tomi.....

Sigh... luckily Wes never beat Tomi up... he was like fuming lor... we went to a corner and talked things out for quite a while....

Sigh... To me, Tomi's just a friend... but Wes say he don like me talking to him.... its cuz he MIA from church very long... then yesterday he first time came back... so I talked to him....

But what Im sad about is not cuz Wes wanted to beat Tomi up, or he lost his temper... its cuz its like he don trust me... and the way he smsed me during svc its like he wants to break up with me....

And it was the first time he shout at me and scold me so fiercely... Scold me why I always don listen to him and talk to other guys etc.....

I held back my Tears only lor... Im a strong girl...

Soon things calmed down... and me and Wes went off.... but we still didn't really talk. Then Wes met up with his friend for dinner.... I was quite Emo la so didn't talk much to him....

Then Wes typed out a msg on his phone asking me when am I going to leave him.... crazy... I won ever leave you kae.... is I scared you leave me instead....

Dear, last time whatever verbal and physical abuse I've gone through them all.... and its much much worse de....

Yesterday to me its nothing.... Im just sad cuz I think I love you too much le.... thats why when u scolded me I felt very hurt....

But today Im ok le... I Just feel sad but much better le... I love you alot kae dear... Im very scared one day u will leave me.... of cos I hope this won't happen....

And its been very long since I went out with Wes le... only went to his house to accompany him.... cuz too busy with schoolwork and Wes injured his leg in the past week....

But its ok.... Dear as long as I can spend time with you Im happy already.....

Dear... I miss you and I love you.... <3

**** You told me you'll never hurt me. You promised me you'll never leave me, and would never want to see me cry. <3

Emo Princess